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Girl Hiking in Nature

Rank Advancement
& Peer Leadership


The great thing about any scout program is that girls can proceed at their own pace, and there are no deadlines set for any rank advancement. But advancement will happen naturally by being an active scout in her troop. By attending the weekly meetings, participating in monthly outings, and attending summer camp, a scout will naturally learn the skills needed to earn each rank and will have fun in the process. While spending their time doing outdoor activities such as camping hiking, climbing, and canoeing with their friends, they will learn how to plan, lead and organize activities and outings.

Scouts who attend every activity will advance more quickly. Scouts who attend sporadically will advance more slowly. But it doesn't matter, because everyone is having fun!

About the Ranks in Scouts BSA

The Scout rank is an introduction to the Scouts BSA program and helps scouts learn what the Ideals of Scouting are and how the Patrol Method and Advancement work. Scouts will also learn their first knots.

Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class are where the scouts learn important skills. Skills learned include camping, cooking, hiking & navigation, outdoor ethics, first aid, fitness, citizenship, tools, and aquatics.

Having mastered the skills learned in scouting, Star, Life, and Eagle ranks focus on leadership, service to others, and merit badges.

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